Free Palette Skins
March 15th, 2008
It seems a strange thing to give away but if anybody would like one of my palette skins which build up on my palette’s while I am painting then you are welcome. I was peeling some off my palettes and throwing them away the other day and somebody asked if they could have one –” Stick it in a frame and it’s as good as a Howard Hodgkin ” They are acrylic so they hold the perfect shape of my palette. While I paint I also have a sheet of A4 paper taped to the canvas onto which I drag out the excess paint before I apply it to the canvas. I don’t know but if anybody would like one of these too you are welcome, they’ll only end up in the bin.
I’ve got about 4 “Skins” at the moment and it’s strictly first come first served so drop me a line ( marked “palette skins”) if you want one. (UK only I’m afraid)
Entry Filed under: Free